As we all know that WhatsApp new privacy policies which has to applied on Feb 8 2021 but because of Privacy issues the people's Trust in whatsapp start making a downward trend and many of the CEO and Influencers started to post against WhatsApp.And Promoting to use the Secure Messenger app such as telegram and Signal.Because of this negative feedback WhatsApp Said that it will wait till 15th may 2021 to accept the policies and also given some statements about the data sharing to facebook.

As 15th may is now very close.So what will WhatsApp do if you don't Accept the policies?

First of all let's Clear some things:

1)Can you Revert your Decision after accepting policies?-NO

2)Will you WhatsApp account be deleted?-NO

If you accepted the policies than you can use the Whatsapp same as you are using it daily.But if you don't accept the policies,Whatsapp will start sending you notification and reminders about it to accept it.Then also if you are not accepting it then it will start limiting your whatsapp functionality such as it will block video calling and limit you to voice call,Replies only be given from notifications not from the app or chat list,it will not send the chats notification and calls to you.And eventually most of features will get turned off for you and WhatsApp will become useless app in your phone.

There are only Two options are left:

1)Accept the policies and use WhatsApp.

2)Don't Accept the policies And Start using other messaging apps.


SO,What are your thoughts on these plans of WhatsApp,What will you do SWITCH OR ACCEPT?

Let me Know in Comment Sections,Thanks For Reading And Stay Safe.