What is the meaning of having different number of rings in 3.5mm jack?

Did you ever think that why there are different number of rings in 3.5mm jack?NO,then I am here to tell you that Today in a simplified manner.But before that let's see some basic terms.

Ground-The ground is like a neutral return path.

Mono Sound-It only provides the sounds on the headphones/earphones.You can't differentiate between left sound and right sound.Not good for gamers.

Left and right output/stereo sound-Provides the best sound experience by giving the Proper left and right sound of the content you are watching.Good for gamers.

1)Jack having one ring:

One ring Creates Two section in the jack:


b)Mono Sound

2)Jack Having Two rings:

Two rings create three sections in the jack


b)Left output

c)Right output

-It is only used for hearing purposes,and not for calls or voice chatting.

3)Jack having three rings:

Three rings create four section in the jack


b)Left output

c)Right output

d)Mic Support

-It is the best case in which everything is present such as mic support and stereo sound.


So before buying any earphones/headphones check wheather the jack has 2 or 3 rings.And then only purchase it.So if you got some new information Today then do check our other posts.Thanks for Reading and Stay Safe.

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