Think about you want to buy a new smartphone but you don't have any knowledge about the Smartphones terms and you go to any offline shop and ask in the shop to show you some best phones under your budget,He will came up with 2-3 options and tell you that these phones are awesome and they have this features.You don't check their specification and by the looks of the phone and the camera quality you decide to buy it.In this situation the seller won this because he sold you a phone which will work fine for some time but it will get lag and slowness in future.

If you want to buy the phone online then you have the choice to select which phone to buy according to your needs.So Today I am going to tell you the most important part of the smartphone so that you make a good choice.

Which Part is most important?

If you are thinking that which is that part? is it Ram,Storage,Screen,battery or what.But you are missing something most important that is the "PROCESSOR" the heart of the smartphones.If your other specs are good and the processor is slow or old then the phone will be useless and will get laagy after some time.The processor is the only part which should be on top priority while buying the smartphone.The processor or chips are made by companies such as Qualcomm,MediaTek and Samsung.Check the processor model and search about that how much old it is what type of technology it brings with it.Some suggestions from me are

1)If you want some decent phone,and you are not a heavy user then you should go for snapdragon 700 series chipsets

2)If you are heavy user and also play heavy Games then you should buy snapdragon 800 series chipset.

Now a days every companies are offering the same specs such as 8gb ram,high refresh rate screen,huge battery,Quad Cameras and fast charging and all.but you should check the processor which is combined with them.So that you'll get the best performance and experience.

How to know that which processor is Good for you?

1)Check if it's old or it is recently released.

2)Check on which architecture it is based on such the 8nm,7nm,12nm,Smaller number tends to Good performance and efficiency.

3)You can check the Reviews on the processsor performance.

here's the link of best Processors with rankings-


After checking the processor then you should check the other specs such as Ram,screen,battery and cameras etc.If you got some Valuable information then Tell me in comment section.Also tell that which processor is on your smartphones? Thanks for reading and Stay Safe.